Thursday, June 21, 2007


At some point I need to get a job and since I'd like to work in California, I decided it would be a good idea to move there instead of sitting around Ann Arbor or Cleveland. It also seemed like a good idea to kill two weeks in the process by driving across the country, from Cleveland to Palo Alto.

Drove 13.5 hours the first day, arriving in Lincoln, NE. Drove from there to Denver the next. There aren't any good pictures of this part of the trip because there isn't that much to look at. Spent a few uneventful nights in Denver with 1.5 to 2 hours of biking each morning. Altitude really makes a difference the first few days. Stayed at the new Hyatt at the Convention Center. Nice hotel for being so big. Found a few great specialty beers at the Falling Rock, including an Odells Double IPA. Excellent stuff.

Spent the next two nights camping on Lake Dillon. Nice campsites but very cold at 35 degrees during the night. There would be pictures of this part of the trip but my camera batteries died, possibly because they roasted in the car all day and almost froze at night.

Drove about 5 hours to Ridgeway, CO today to stay at the Chipeta Sun Lodge which is great so far. My room doesn't have a TV but does have a hot tub on its balcony. Seems like a fair trade to me. I'll have pictures up of this place when the clouds on the mountains roll through.