Pictures coming whenever I find a computer with a USB port.
After the adventure getting to Dusseldorf, I went and watched the French Open with the five people in town not watching whatever blowout soccer game that was on. Proceeded from this to a few other bars trying different varieties of their Alt beers. Not one of them were particularly great. Oh well. Also tried their local (German?) speciality of Currywurst. Essentially a hot dog chopped up and smothered with ketchup mixed with curry powder. Served with mayo if desired (of course I got it with mayo too). Pretty gross.
Stayed at the hotel AtlDusseldorf which had a great location right in the AltStatdt surrounded by bars. The problem with that was (Duh Aaron) some of the bars were open until 5 AM. After three hours of sleep on the plane over 36 hours I slept pretty well.
After the adventure getting to Dusseldorf, I went and watched the French Open with the five people in town not watching whatever blowout soccer game that was on. Proceeded from this to a few other bars trying different varieties of their Alt beers. Not one of them were particularly great. Oh well. Also tried their local (German?) speciality of Currywurst. Essentially a hot dog chopped up and smothered with ketchup mixed with curry powder. Served with mayo if desired (of course I got it with mayo too). Pretty gross.
Stayed at the hotel AtlDusseldorf which had a great location right in the AltStatdt surrounded by bars. The problem with that was (Duh Aaron) some of the bars were open until 5 AM. After three hours of sleep on the plane over 36 hours I slept pretty well.
Woke up the next morning sweating from the heat (felt like 90 at 10am) and went to Gelsenkirchen to watch the US v Czech match. Took a train that got crowded with soccer fans. Went to see all the US supporters at the bar near the station then hopped the packed tram to the other end of town to have lunch. Found a nice place with only a few Czech fans and had a great meal around 3:00 knowing that I probably wouldn't be eating till midnight. Had a big plate with pork schnitzel and two thin pork sausages served over roast potatoes, onions, peas, and mushrooms. Was awesome and only 6.5 Euro. Had a few Franzishkanner Weissbiers along with it then left for the game. Outside the stadium was hot, inside was roasting, and the only beer available was Budwiser. The US kind. I passed. The game was awful for the US. A 0-3 defeat that showed how far behind US soccer still may be. Had an uneventful trip back to Dusseldorf and some mediocre tapas for dinner.
Next day was a travel day. An ill conceived travel day, but trying to get to a specific lake in Slovenia required a little more planning effort than normal. Shocking that everything worked out.
8:45 Subway to the Dusseldorf Hbf
9:07 train to Cologne airport
11:30 flight to Klagenfurt (Austria)
13:00 bus to train station
14:42 Train to Villach (Austria)
15:55 Train to Jesenice (Slovenia)
16:53 Train to Bohinj Bistreca
17:30 Bus to Ukanc
Out of time again. More to come when the weather turns bad.
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